HA :: Roberto Paci Dalò :: 2020 :: radio play produced by ORF Kunstradio, Vienna
Roberto Paci Dalò‘s wonderful composition ‘Ha‘ finally gets the review it deserves. The magazine Doppio Zero, with an article by Simone Caputo, talks about it in full in “HA: a podcast of soundart“. An article worth reading, also because it traces Roberto Paci Dalò’s intellectual and artistic career in an admirable way. We would like to recall Roberto Paci Dalò’s ‘chaosmotic’ participation in #LD10 with the track “Long Night Talks” and the stupendous ‘chaotic notations’ that surround the publication in book form (“Chaos, rhythm and non-pulsed man/LD10”). We take this opportunity to pre-announce the forthcoming publication of Roberto Paci Dalò’s work, Solchi, in collaboration with the great Italian poet Gabriele Frasca for our publishing house, Rizosfera, #poetronics series, during 2022! Here you can listen to the podcast: https://haarendtrieste.tumblr.com/ha https://www.doppiozero.com/…/ha-un-podcast-di-soundart…
Simone Caputo writes: “HA is a soundart podcast created by Roberto Paci Dalò, starting from a 2018 solicitation by the historian Adriaan Eeckels, and dedicated to the thought and voice of Hannah Arendt. From the collaboration with the research centres of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, and the confrontation with the philosopher Nicole Dewandre, was born “a sound forest created by the real voice of Hannah Arendt intertwined with instrumental and electronic sounds” – in the words of the composer himself. A journey into the phonetics of the German philosopher and historian, where words function as sound material, as vectors that construct a sort of acoustic architecture (which is also an imaginary portrait): the materialisation of a thought as in a battlefield, where the voice is confronted with composed and recorded sounds, voices and noises. A journey unfolded in different formats: first a radio work (produced by ORF Kunstradio, Vienna), then an interactive audio-video installation (produced by Trieste Contemporanea), then a podcast (listenable above); finally a work that will also be a performance, a book, a CD. The polymorphous nature of the work is not surprising, if we think of the career of Paci Dalò from Rimini: clarinetist, designer (see, for example, the recent book Ombre, published for Quodlibet, 2019), active in the experimental Italian theatre of the 1980s, explorer of traditional musical worlds, scholar of digital and radio languages, philosophy and electronic music (he and Emanuele Quinz are the editors of «Millesuoni. Deleuze, Guattari e la musica elettronica», Cronopio, 2006), co-founder of the Giardini Pensili company (under whose brand he has signed most of his works), Naples Prize for Italian Language and Culture in 2015, member of Internationale Heiner Müller Gesellschaft. But Paci Dalò has above all been an experimenter in sound, capable of dealing with the international music scene, and a prolific author in the field of radio, right from his first collaborations with Austria’s ORF Kunstradio in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Through research and projects, Paci Dalò has developed a vision of radio theatre as a mental space of encounter between the arts, a place of great imaginative power based on the relationship between analogue and digital technologies, a dramaturgical territory of dialectical exchange between text, voice and sound. “(a suivre … )