Pre-order now! LA VOCE DEL CASTORO is the debut album by Stefano Ricci / Ettore Dicorato for Rizosfera-NUKFM. An amazing 33 rpm vinyl album +booklet printed on twill paper (ecological and recycled) in 44 color pages with drawings by Stefano Ricci and photographs by Ettore Dicorato, reworked by both authors. It is not simply a photograph book or a book of drawings, but photographies meeting drawings in a mixture of codes just like the music on the vinyl mixes swamp jazz with eco-noise and field recordings, all mingled with ambient electronics. Two traces of pure gloomy and nocturnal sound in perfect Conrad style. There we find the universe of Quilow, Pomerania, a wooded area of eastern Germany overlooking the Baltic Sea, where the kingdom of the beaver is threatened at all times by the “man” catastrophe. The ethical and eco-philosophical dimension intertwine in a work which escapes any cataloging, opening a world where the ontology of the everyday is dissolved in the twisted and existential soundtrack of jazz, downtempo slanting rhythms and crepuscular electronics – A sort of lyrical, obscure, hypnotic existentialism envelops the entire work that has no equal in the contemporary musical, literary and artistic panorama.
Click here to pre-order THE VOICE OF THE BEAVER
DIE STIMME / 23:50
DES BIBERS / 22:50
Stefano Ricci / Ettore Dicorato / La voce del castoro
Rhizosonics / NURKFM007 / Ultra limited Edition of 100 copies (only in Italian language)
Authors / Stefano Ricci / Ettore Dicorato
Produced and mixed / Stefano Ricci / Ettore Dicorato / Quilow-Bologna / 2018-2019
Master / MarcoAntonio Spaventi / Amsterdam / NL /2019
Drawings / Stefano Ricci
Photographies / Ettore Dicorato