Engaging review of DJ Rocca‘s album, The Infinite Ladder / 2BLUE Reworks, published by Aldo Chimenti in Rockerilla December 2023, currently available in stores. Remember that the CD version of the album is available on our Rizosfera website at this web address https://rizosfera.org/shop/nukfm018/cd-a5-digipak/. We thank Aldo Chimenti and Rockerilla for their support to our artistic trajectories at Rizosfera-NUKFM and Armcomm Europe. DJ Rocca’s album is also available in UK/US at the Rough Trade Shops and Rough Trade International Mail Order.
Here’s the text of the review: DJ ROCCA The Infinite Ladder • CD Rizosfera/NUKFM • 7 tracks – 61:12 “DJ Rocca, the stage name of Luca Roccatagliati, is a creator of sonic holograms, whose sinuous forms are enigmas of electronic bodies floating in the air like radio frequencies of coded digits intercepted in the cosmos. For The Infinite Ladder, the artist officiates an immersive cinematic reworking of the 2Blue sound, investing it with renewed charm and dreamlike breath. A labyrinth of tentacular black holes, acoustic lemmas, and theorems whose undulating nature escapes the laws of gravity and astral silence. Seven instrumentals suspended in an alien spacetime dimension, like spirals of imaginary stairs ascending to the spheres of the unknown or descending into the dark vertigo of infinity. SIDEREAL MALIA.”