Obsolete Capitalism and Félix Guattari :: Chaos Variation I :: NURKFM001.01.x. :: 12″ EP vinyl 45rpm + 164-pages book :: cover artwork printed on canvas :: Rizosfera :: Out in October 2018 – Order /Shop
OUT NOW ! A new edition of "La machine informatique dub" is available with the title "Chaos Variation I" by Obsolete Capitalism and Félix Guattari. The new edition is printed in color on canvas, and it is a limited edition of 50 copies, including the 12 "45rpm vinyl co-produced by Obsolete Capitalism Sound System and Network Ensemble (respectively "La machine informatique dub" and "Urban Sonata Remix"). Inside the package it is enclosed the two color-book (yellow and black) edited by Obsolete Capitalism entitled "Money, Revolution, Philosophy of the Future." The book presents essays written by Lapo Berti, Paolo Vignola and Sara Baranzoni, Obsolete Capitalism, Edmund Berger. It is a classic pamphlet of the rhizospheric «headless» accelerationism. Here you will find for the first time the fragment of Félix Guattari, "La machine informatique" in English and in Italian.
Félix Guattari :: “It is about making the world order work, a certain system of order, a coordination of the world…. it happens with the same type of invariant constituting the coordinates of the same social, cosmic affective plane. (…)
Let’s return to the example that you [Deleuze] made about the society studied by Clastres (…) where we assume that information is capitalized through small distinctive units, such as letter-characters, a certain type of highly cleansed articulation of phonemes and a perfectly civilized syntax.
Though, at the same time there is a series of semiotic components that contribute to something that is not properly a transmission of information, but a libidinal life of a group as a whole that can equally express itself through words as well as mimics, dances, tattoos, rituals, what I define different semiotic components.
[In our society, on the other side] we will reach a system of order where we will be able to transmit “something” through a series of messages conveyed by a computer. Nowadays, addressing someone means taking some specific numbers [the binary code] and elaborating them through a computer. Such codes can qualify locations, behaviours, freedom, and even the economic facilities of people.
Thus I will say that there has been a semiotic collapse, meaning that the collective intertwined modes of enunciation, articulated in an indissoluble way the different semiotic, gestural and mimic, prosodic and linguistic components, found themselves reduced up to the point that it is always possible to traduce them in terms of quantity of information.” (…)
Obsolete Capitalism is a collective for pure independent research. Self-defined as “gypsy scholars”, the collective deals with philosophy, art and politics. Obsolete Capitalism edited and published «Moneta, rivoluzione e filosofia dell’avvenire. Deleuze, Foucault, Guattari, Klossowski e la politica accelerazionista di Nietzsche» (OCFP, 2016), «Archeologia delle minoranze » (OCFP, 2015) and «Birth of Digital Populism» (OCFP, 2014). With Rizosfera edizioni, Obsolete Capitalism published «Deleuze and the Algorithm of the Revolution» (Rizosfera/SF004), «The strong of the future. Nietzsche’s accelerationist fragment in Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus» (Rizosfera/SF001), «Acceleration, Revolution and Money in Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-OEdipus» (Rizosfera/SF002), «Dromology, Bolidism and Marxist Accelerationism» (Rizosfera/SF009) and «Control, Modulation and the Algebra of Evil in Burroughs and Deleuze» (Rizosfera/SF017 – out in September 2018). The collective also edits the online blogs Obsolete Capitalism, Rizomatika and Variazioni foucaultiane. The collective has a sonic sub-unit under Obsolete Capitalism Sound System moniker: it has released «Chaos Variation I» (first 12 EP, NUKFM label, 2016/2018), «Chaos Sive Natura» (first album, NUKFM, 2017) and, in collaboration with Adi Newton/TAG/The Anti-Group, «Chaos Variation III» (second 12 EP, NUKFM, November 2018).