IMPORTANT NOTICE: “Noesis” by Clock DVA has been voted album of the year, securing the ninth position in Blow Up magazine’s 2023 Playlist (#307, December 2023).
IMPORTANT NOTICE: From 1 January 2024, only Art & Digital boxes (autographed by Adi Newton), Type A and Modular boxes will be available
The Noesis Second Edition (cd/vinyl/booklet+usb/booklet/t-shirt) is available to be ordered worldwide (UK / USA, America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa). For more info you can email us at noesis.preorder@rizosfera.org .
“The ones who can calls themselves contemporary are only those who do not allow themselves to be blinded by lights of the century, and so manage to get a glimpse of the shadows in those lights, of their intimate obscurity.” (Giorgio Agamben)
Robin Rimbaud (Scanner, musician) : “Clock DVA sound has grown again, into a sci-fi audiosphere, gliding across space. It’s warm, seductive and quite beautiful in its
alien elegance”
Aldo Chimenti (Rockerilla Magazine/ January 2023) : “CLOCK DVA ARE BACK! (…) Noesis is the act of the intellect, the cognitive power of the mind.(…) The magic that radiates across the album’s kinematic audio frequencies is the theatre of electronic theorems as pure as sidereal lights, as if it were the algebra of a sound that arouses oneiric states of grace aimed at broadening the cognitive horizons of thought.”
Paolo Bertoni (Blow Up Magazine / January 2023) : “Through Noesis, in a radical update of its sound palettes, Adi Newton clears any doubts about his recent creative renaissance.”
Domenico Morreale (Movie Director / Videomaker): “Through Noesis, CLOCK DVA breathe new life into their canon, projecting it into the future.”
Obsolete Capitalism (Theorist):”That voice! that sonic-fiction! are once again upon us, disturbing our dreams, poisoning our (false) good conscience, bringing back a sense of beauty to our present.”
Kybernetykos Kommando (Theorist): “Noesis focuses on the negative aspects of new technologies, a “techno-negativity” of sorts. No technology is pure and present-day information technology has at least two sides, for example it is both liberating and controlling, it is both decentralised and hypercentralised. Experienced through the lenses of “techno-negativity”, Noesis is not only a great musical project, but also a great political one.”
* CD/USB Card Bonus Track
* CD/USB Card Bonus Track
* CD/USB Card Bonus Track
* CD/USB Card Bonus Track
NOESIS – BEYOND THE HAUNTOLOGY OF THE PAST WE CAN CREATE ANEW. It’s of no real value to feel that everything as been done, if we are overcome by the past or believe there is nothing new. We can only express in this moment, to create and express in this present time which is NOW what we think and what we feel. It is impossible to escape an Hauntology but by imagination we can create anew once more. “The future influences the present just as much as the past.” – Friedrich Nietzsche.
NOESIS – I grew up in the 80s and 90’s with Clock DVA as a pillar and beacon of inspiration for what the FUTURE could look and sound in the NOW. It was 12 years ago that I received an email from Adi Newton informing me that Clock DVA was to be “re-activated” and that he would have been pleased if I joined the group for an upcoming combined live gig with The Anti Group in Leipzig (Gothic Treffen). Of course I accepted and I’ll be eternally grateful to Adi for allowing this union of souls to happen. We worked really hard (with Shara Vasileva too) to put up an incredible “spatial” show featuring Ambisonics sound and a 4-sided video projection cube with us “hidden” inside to perform in humble secrecy. Ever since I committed with honor and passion to my active collaboration with Adi on both projects. Other more esoteric (and neoteric) bonds have linked our respective destinies to push the boundaries of our art and visions beyond the ordinary. Always with great reciprocal respect and spirit of sacrifice we’ve worked on NEW ideas that would reflect our current feelings rather than a nostalgic glory. I have always admired this in Adi and we both committed to always challenge the present rather than rely on the past. NOESIS is a mature work that aims at showing the current progress of Clock DVA in line with the pure spirit that has animated this project from its very beginning, an exploratory ghost that transcends the present moment and expands over time and space, limitless and fearless. I am proud of having co-created this album with all my soul, my mind and my love.
NOESIS – I’m delighted to be a part of the newest Clock DVA release “Noesis”. Not in sound, but in vision, via the artwork in the album. It is based on the visualisation of sound and mathematics – which seems fitting. Anyone who knows me knows how much of an inspiration Clock DVA has been. At a young(er) age in the 80s and 90s, they changed my sonic, visual, and aesthetic landscape – their art was so unlike anything else, so far ahead, world-building, and a doorway to so much else. Other artists tried to capture the same vision but no one could do it like DVA. They were another lightning bolt from the sky-but again, so far away they weren’t just on the moon, they were in another dimension. As I learned more about them, I discovered the rest of the catalog, other projects, and the art that was spiraling out from the mind of Adi Newton. It all left a very deep imprint on my DNA. Through good fortune (and a determined will), I met Adi in 2015, and from there we developed a great friendship and great working relationship. It’s been an honour and a pleasure to photograph, document, and create with Adi and Tez. Having my artwork now part of the history is very meaningful to me.