FOOD MACHINE @ Macchine Sensibili, 12 JULY 2023 – Chiostro della Ghiara, via Guasco 6, Reggio Emilia – The second meeting, Wednesday 12 July, 7 p.m., will deal with another theme, only apparently distant from the previous one on the war, but of obvious social, as well as economic, relevance: the theme of food (think of the dramatic case of the blockage of world trade in wheat, precisely linked to the war in Ukraine). However, once again, this theme will be addressed above all from the point of view of discourses, narratives and communication on food itself, and the question of taste as a communicative-cultural moment. Today, we know how the ‘food discourse’, between TV programmes, books, websites, advertisements and social channels is increasingly ubiquitous and widespread. To the point of giving rise to terms such as “foodporn” or “gastromania”. We will address this issue with a great expert, the semiologist, writer and university professor Gianfranco Marrone, from the University of Palermo, who has long dedicated his work of analysis and research to the discourses on and about food, and its symbolic and communicative representations: from the question of brands and trademarks to the issue of historical-cultural categories relating to taste. Indeed, Prof. Marrone also teaches at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo. And on this occasion we will present his latest book ‘Tasty and Savoury’ (Gustoso e saporito). The President of Istoreco, Arturo Bertoldi, will help us on this path as discussant.
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