From today, the new book + soundtrack (Rizostream + digital download) by Post Doom Romance titled ‘Prairie Transmissions’ (Somnimage, Nov. 2023) is available. Rizosfera is the European distributor of the book + soundtrack. Introduction by Adi Newton (Clock DVA / The Anti Group).
Click here to purchase.
Prairie Transmissions :: A 13 part audio cycle by post doom romance.
Exploring the inner / outer vibrations of the landscape we inhabit. These recordings were captured, processed, layered, manipulated and composed in the prairies around our home over the course of one year. This cycle takes the listener through our audio landscape filtered through our ears. A document of time / space / feeling. An attempt to witness the land, its memories, vibrations and gradient shifts. We present the entire collection of 13 tracks (duration 126 minutes). A transmission from where we are, to where you are.
post doom romance is seah and mykel boyd.
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