The number #8 of La Deleuziana “La Pensée Dix-Huit. Economy, Subjectivation, and Revolution in the Era of Digital Capitalism”, edited by Guillaume Collett, is now online and available for free download.
Guillaume Collett
Introduction: La pensée dix-huit 1-9
Necessità/Concetti – Necessities/Concepts – Nécessités/Concepts – Necesidades/Conceptos
Christian Laval, May ’68: Paving the Way for the Triumph of Neoliberalism? Rereading the event with Foucault and Bourdieu 10-28
Jose Rosales, 1968-2018: plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose (?) 29-38
Christos Marneros, Deleuze and Human Rights: The Optimism and Pessimism of ’68 39-52
Patrice Maniglier [forthcoming]
May ’68 in Theory (and in Practice) 53-63
Maggio ’68 in teoria (e in pratica)53-63
Sintomatologie – Symptomatologies – Symptomatologies – Sintomatologías
Chiara Bottici, Anarcha-féminisme et l’ontologie du transindividuel64-80
Dalie Giroux, Indigenous Marx. A Becoming-Earthling of Communism 81-87
Fabián Danilo Rojas Pineda, El hombre endeudado y la alienación en el capitalismo 88-101
Guillaume Collett, Deleuze and Guattari’s Political Symptomontology: From the Psychoanalysis of Literary Symptoms to the Becoming-minor of May ’68 102-119
Nuove armi – New Weapons – Nouvelles Armes – Nuevas Armas
Louis Armand, 2k18 // RE-EVOLUTIONARY ABORT 120-137
Glen Melville, Digital De-Subjectivation: Becoming-Imperceptible in the Machinery of Digital Capitalism138-150
Andrew Culp, Accelerationism and the Need for Speed: Partisan Notes on Civil War 151-161
Regioni – Regions – Régions – Regiones
Cristina Pósleman, Lo que palpita en el pesimismo en torno al mayo del ’68162-172
Cristian Alvarado, Ethos Barroco: De la nostalgia del duelo a la promesa por venir. Rizoma, revolución y utopía 173-183
Precursori – Precursors – Précurseurs – Precursores
Larissa Drigo Agostinho, Transversalité et institution 184-202