June 22, 2023 :: Giuseppe Cordaro and Hideki Umezawa live in Stromboli Island @ Marosi Festival
Save the date! Giuseppe Cordaro and Hideki Umezawa are the protagonists of an expected performance on Thursday, June 22, 2023 for the 5th edition of Marosi Festival on the Sicilian volcanic island, the artists will perform at Casa Palmento. Presentation-performance of sound research as part of the project “Paroxysms and other volcanism,” in collaboration between Marosi Festival and Liminaria/Interferences. How can listening help us immerse ourselves in the processes that govern the often invisible transformations that occur in the “deep time” that marks the passage of geological eras? Using the sounds of these processes perceptible to the human ear, Hideki Umezawa and Giuseppe Cordaro give voice to a congeries of slow intersecting transformations marking the passages of geological time. This work, which marks the first installment of the project “Paroxysms. Sound and other volcanism,” represents an attempt to open a space of inquiry that can nurture future directions of research on volcanic phenomena and territories through the device of sound art. Giuseppe Cordaro, from Sicily, is a sound-designer and sculptor-ecologist. In his sound research he has collaborated with Robert Lippok, Ben Frost, Simon Scott (Slowdive), Jukka Reverberi, and Emidio Clementi. While Hideki Umezawa is a Japanese composer. Active in the field of global experimentation, he has received numerous international awards: the Luigi Russolo Award 2017, the Luc Ferrari – Presque Rien Prize 2015. He has made 10 albums around the planet and for the Tokyo University of the Arts he created a sonic installation with François Baschet. More information at http://www.marosistromboli.com/