Stefano Oliva

Stefano Oliva


Stefano Oliva, PhD in Philosophy, is a post-doc fellow at the Department of Philosophy, University of Roma Tre and visiting lecturer at the Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmo and at the Quasar Design University of Rome. Staff member of RIFL – Rivista italiana di filosofia del linguaggio and Lebenswelt – Aesthetics and philosophy of experience, he has published several articles and monographs such as La musica nell’estetica di Pareyson (2013) and La chiave musicale di Wittgenstein. Tautologia, gesto, atmosfera (2016). He has cooperated with Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani. He has published the Italian edition of Alain Badiou’s book L’antifilosofia di Wittgenstein (2018).