Federico Montanari, PhD Semiotics, is professor in “Sociology of Cultural and Communication processes”, and teaches Visual and Media Studies, Media Semiotics, at the University of Modena-Reggio Emilia (Affiliation: Dpt. of Communication and Economics, Unimore). After having also taught in other universities, such as univ. of Bologna, Bolzano (Visual Culture at Design Department), Roma La Sapienza, Iulm, Politecnico di Milano, Isia, and, as visiting scholar, at the University of California, San Diego.
His main interests are focused on Socio-semiotics, Media and Visual analysis, textual analysis, particularly concerning War and conflict studies, memory and representations, and Post-Structuralism thought. More recently, Federico Montanari has worked, in several research projects, on analysis and representation of urban spaces, form of participatory and citizens movements, on objects and technologies, and in the field of Digital Media, communication and design. He is author of several publications on those issues, such as: “The New Narrative Form of Post-Conflicts: New Wars as World Wide War”, In: Cristina Demaria (ed.), Post-conflict Cultures. A Reader, London, 2019; “La forma mediale e seriale della guerra e dei conflitti”, In: N. Dusi (ed.), Confini di genere. Sociosemiotica delle serie tv, 2019; “Parole per quali identità”. In: Amodio G., Ruggiero M. (eds.), Madri Lingue, Lingue Madri. Pluralismo linguistico e identità nei processi migratori, 2018; “Navigating Maps of Memories”. In: Pozzato M. P. (ed.), Visual and Linguistic Representations of Places of Origin. An Interdisciplinary Analysis, 2018; “Guerra”. In: Codeluppi V., Polesana M. A., Baudrillard ovunque, 2017; “Deep remixing WW1. Rimediazione, media digitali e il caso del centenario della Grande guerra, fra immagini e memoria”, in: Migliore, T., ed., Rimediazioni 2, 2016; “Ancora un “turn”? La svolta Locative nei media e sue possibili implicazioni socio-semiotiche. Casi, esempi, e questioni”, in: Ferraro, G., Lorusso, A (eds.) Nuove Forme d’interazione dal web al mobile (2016); Immagini coinvolte (2016); “Stili, pratiche, forme e strategie nella ricerca di informazione culturale: fra offline e online”, in: Mazzoli, L., Zanchini, G., eds., Info Cult. Nuovi scenari di produzione e uso dell’informazione culturale, 2015; Morphogenesis and Individuation (2014, with A. Sarti e F. Galofaro); Actants, Actors, and Combat Units. The problem of conflict revisited: a semiocultural viewpoint (2012).
He has participated in different research projects, both interdepartmental and European, among the most recents: Erasmus plus on Education and Mobile Technologies (ongoing); Erasmus exchange with the University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, on Communication and Political language (2019-2020); Management Committee Member (MCM) for Italy in the European COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) project, “In search of transcultural memory in Europe (ISTME)”, related to socio-cultural and media analysis, of European identity (2014-2017).