Emanuela Biancuzzi

Emanuela Biancuzzi

visual artist

Emanuela Biancuzzi (1970-2024) – Visual artist, she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice focusing on relational art, educational projects related to contemporary art, cultural events, graphic design, and editorial illustration. Her artistic production, in a hallucinatory combination of inks, acrylics, collages, and mixed techniques, mainly includes illustrations and images for publishing, illustrated books, album covers, newspapers, periodicals, animated logos, stage designs, and underground comics. From 1994 to the present, she has participated in over a hundred exhibitions. She has exhibited in France, Spain, Greece, Croatia, Austria, Slovenia, Serbia, and in many Italian cities, publishing, among others, for AAA Edizioni, Stripburger, Kite Edizioni, VivaComix, Coconino Press, Penguin Random House, Edizioni Passpartout. Emanuela Biancuzzi died on 10th December 2024. Her last book, published in life, was ‘Le isterocomiche avventure di Martino L’Uterino‘ with Vittore Baroni and Le Forbici di Manitù (Rizosfera-NUKFM 2024).