Achim Szepanski

Achim Szepanski


Achim Szepanski, philosopher, musician, record producer, writer, blogger and political activist. He directs his subversive media operations from his HQ in Frankfurt. Since 2015 worldwide cutting edge texts have been published on his radical information website Non-Copyriot ( He worked for the leftist German newspaper, “Langer Marsch”. In the 80’s he was a member of the electro-noise and industrial-punk groups PD and P16.D4. Later on he founded the label Black Out (1989), Force Inc. (1991), A Thousand Plateaus (1994), Position Chrome (1996), Forcetracks & Ritornell (1998). Among the publications noteworthy is the trilogy of novels Pole Position (Rhizomatique, 2011), Saal 6 (Rhizomatique, 2011), Verliebt ins Gelingen (Rhizomatique, 2014), and the philosophical-political writings Kapitalisierung Bd. I – Marx ‘not-Ökonomie (Laika Verlag, 2014), Kapitalisierung Bd. II – Non-Ökonomie des gegenwärtigen Kapitalismus (Laika Verlag, 2014), Der Non-Marxismus. Finance, Maschinen, dividuum (Laika-Verlag, 2016)